Nwe Oo
Dr Nwe Oo is a medical doctor who is currently working as Deputy Director of Medical devices in Department of Food and Drug Administration, Ministry of Health and Sports, Myanmar. She holds Bachelor in Medical degree and Master of Public health from Myanamr. She also got Master degree of Healthcare Administration from Nagoya University, Japan.
She has been working as Medical device regulator in FDA since 2013. She takes part in premarket and postmarket control of medical devices including IVDs. Her main responsibility is to assess and review the technical documents for importation approval of medical devices into Myanmar.
She is also a core member of National medical device law drafting committee. She also works with National standard council for developing the Myanmar National standards concerned with Medical devices.
She also takes part in ASEAN medical device committee and ASEAN medical device technical committee for regulatory and technical harmonization of medical devices and IVDs among member countries.
She also conducted public health research and had publications in her master life.