Ciprian Tomuleasa
Ciprian Tomuleasa is a 32-year old physician scientist with a background of 9 years in basic and translational research in oncology and hematology. Dr. Tomuleasa published 125 papers published (all of the papers being published after 2006). Dr. Ciprian Tomuleasa has a Hirsch index of 22. He started showing interest in biomedical research during his 3rd year of medical school in Cluj Napoca, under the mentorship of Dr. Olga Soritau, an attending physician in laboratory medicine and immunology in her laboratory of cell cultures at the Ion Chiricuta Oncology Institute in Cluj Napoca. After having learned most of the protocols necessary for laboratory research, Dr. Tomuleasa started his own project in which he aimed to isolate and characterize cancer stem-like cells from solid malignancies. He successfully isolated for the first time in Romania a sub-population of malignant cells with stem-like properties from hepatocellular carcinoma as a medical student during his 4th year medical school, publishing his paper in the Journal of Gastrointestinal and Liver Diseases in 2009. This publication was highly appreciated by the scientific community, being cited in important journals such as Nature Reviews of Cancer and Nature Reviews of Gastroenterology. After having graduated his M.D. studies in 2011, he started his Ph.D. in cancer immunology in Cluj Napoca, having graduated in 2013. Between 2011 and 2013, Ciprian Tomuleasa received training in translational research as a postdoctoral trainee in the Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore, MD, United States of America. After his training in the United States, he started his residency in clinical hematology at the Ion Chiricuta Oncology Institute, as well as being the principal investigator of several projects at the Research Center for Functional Genomics and Translational Medicine, Iuliu Hatieganu University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Cluj Napoca. He received the Iuliu Hatieganu Award from his institution for the best Ph.D. thesis in 2014 and represented Romania at the 2014 Lindau Nobel Prize Laureate Meeting in Lindau, Germany. In 2014 he was a visiting physician in the Department of Cellular Therapy and Stem Cell Transplantation at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, TX, United States, having received training in haploidentical stem cell transplantation for hematological malignancies.