Sangay Zangmo
Ms. Sangay Zangmo is a Senior Medical Technologist and a public health professional at the Royal Centre for Disease Control in Bhutan. She holds a Master degree in Medical Technology from Mahidol university, Thailand. Her major works are in the field of viruses-mainly dengue and influenza, and includes several other infectious diseases. She started her career as a Medical Technologist in 2009 and has contributed immensely towards establishment new diagnostic laboratories in her own country. She started molecular-based laboratory for detection of pathogens in 2010 and has a major role in initiation of cell culture-based laboratory for detection and isolation of viruses, a technology which is still at its initial stage in Bhutan. Currently, she is still working towards further strengthening of the only cell culture laboratory in the country.
Also a trained public health professional, she has participated in disease outbreak investigations and she simultaneously oversees disease surveillance activities alongside her laboratory works. She is responsible for managing influenza surveillance data, communicating with surveillance site personnel, organizing trainings and managing supplies.